Wareham MA, Managed Service Provider

The Cybersecurity Landscape for Schools and Non-profits

Cybersecurity has become a crucial concern for all sectors, including schools and non-profits. These organizations, often handling sensitive information yet operating with limited resources, are particularly vulnerable to cyber threats. At SecureWon, we understand the unique challenges faced by these institutions and are dedicated to providing robust security solutions tailored to their needs. In this blog, we’ll explore the current cybersecurity landscape for schools and non-profits, highlight common threats, and offer strategies for enhancing security.

The Current Cybersecurity Landscape

Schools: Educational institutions are prime targets for cyberattacks due to the valuable data they hold, including personal information of students, parents, and staff, as well as intellectual property. The shift to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the attack surface, with schools adopting various online tools and platforms, often without the necessary security measures.

Non-profits: Non-profit organizations frequently handle sensitive donor information and financial records. Their mission-driven focus and often limited IT budgets make them attractive targets for cybercriminals. Additionally, non-profits might not prioritize cybersecurity due to a lack of awareness or resources, further exacerbating their vulnerability.

Common Cyber Threats

Phishing Attacks: Phishing remains a significant threat, where attackers trick individuals into revealing sensitive information through deceptive emails or websites. Schools and non-profits are particularly susceptible due to the high volume of email communication.

Ransomware: Ransomware attacks involve encrypting an organization’s data and demanding a ransom for its release. Both schools and non-profits have fallen victim to such attacks, leading to disruptions in operations and significant financial losses.

Data Breaches: Data breaches occur when unauthorized individuals gain access to confidential information. The impact can be severe, resulting in the exposure of personal data, financial loss, and damage to an organization’s reputation.

Insider Threats: Insider threats can come from employees, volunteers, or third-party vendors who have access to sensitive data. These threats might be malicious or due to negligence, but either way, they pose a substantial risk.

Strategies for Enhancing Cybersecurity

Implement Comprehensive Security Policies: Both schools and non-profits should develop and enforce comprehensive cybersecurity policies. These policies should cover data protection, password management, and incident response procedures. Regularly updating and reviewing these policies ensures they remain effective against evolving threats.

Educate and Train Staff: Human error is a significant factor in many cyber incidents. Regular training sessions can help staff recognize phishing attempts, understand the importance of strong passwords, and follow best practices for data protection. Creating a culture of security awareness is essential.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implementing MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to access systems. This can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Regularly Update Software and Systems: Keeping software, systems, and applications up to date is crucial in defending against cyber threats. Regular updates and patches address vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit.

Partner with Cybersecurity Experts: Given the resource constraints often faced by schools and non-profits, partnering with cybersecurity experts can provide access to advanced security solutions and expertise. At SecureWon, we offer tailored cybersecurity services that address the unique needs of these organizations, helping them safeguard their data and operations effectively.

The cybersecurity landscape for schools and non-profits is fraught with challenges, but with the right strategies and support, these organizations can protect themselves against threats. At SecureWon, we are committed to empowering schools and non-profits with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the complex world of cybersecurity. By staying vigilant, educated, and prepared, these institutions can focus on their core missions without compromising on security.

SecureWon at its core is a national technology services company. What separates us from other technology service providers is our commitment to providing superior documentation and accurate reporting of your organization’s security posture. This attention to detail and quality of our services is what drives us. Contact us today for a free assessment of your technology infrastructure.

MSP, Newport RI

The Importance of Security Awareness In Educational Facilities

The Growing Threat Landscape

In today’s digitally connected world, educational facilities such as schools, colleges, and universities are increasingly relying on technology to enhance the learning experience. However, with this reliance on technology comes the pressing need for robust cybersecurity measures. The education sector is not immune to cyber threats, and as educational institutions become more interconnected, the importance of security awareness cannot be overstated. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of security awareness in the context of cybersecurity for educational facilities.

Educational institutions store vast amounts of sensitive information, including student records, research data, financial information, and more. This wealth of data makes them attractive targets for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access. Moreover, with the rise of online learning platforms and remote education, the attack surface has expanded, requiring heightened vigilance.

Security awareness involves educating staff, students, and stakeholders about the various cyber threats and best practices to mitigate risks. It’s about fostering a culture of cybersecurity where everyone understands their role in protecting sensitive information and the institution’s digital infrastructure.

The Importance of Security Awareness in Educational Facilities

  1. Data Protection: Educational institutions handle a treasure trove of data, from student records to cutting-edge research. Security awareness training equips staff and students with the knowledge to recognize and respond to phishing attempts, malware, and other cyber threats that could compromise this sensitive data.
  2. Preventing Disruptions: Cyberattacks, such as ransomware, can disrupt normal operations and jeopardize critical educational processes. Security awareness helps staff and students recognize the signs of potential threats, reducing the likelihood of successful attacks and minimizing disruptions.
  3. Protecting Personal Information: With students and staff sharing personal information online, the risk of identity theft and privacy breaches is significant. Security awareness empowers individuals to safeguard their personal data and navigate online platforms more securely.
  4. Safe Online Behavior: Education institutions often encourage the use of technology for research, communication, and collaboration. However, this also exposes users to various online risks. Security awareness teaches safe online practices, such as using strong passwords, avoiding public Wi-Fi for sensitive tasks, and being cautious when clicking on links.
  5. Cultivating a Cybersecure Culture: A strong cybersecurity culture starts with awareness. When students, faculty, and administrators prioritize cybersecurity, it creates an environment where security measures are seen as integral to daily operations.

Implementing Effective Security Awareness Programs

To foster a culture of security awareness within educational facilities, consider the following strategies:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Offer regular training sessions that cover the latest cyber threats, attack techniques, and preventive measures. Tailor the content to various user groups, including students, faculty, and administrative staff.
  2. Simulated Phishing Campaigns: Conduct mock phishing exercises to help users recognize phishing emails and phishing attempts. These exercises can be eye-opening and provide valuable learning experiences.
  3. Clear Policies: Establish clear cybersecurity policies and guidelines for staff and students to follow. Regularly communicate these policies and explain their importance.
  4. Engagement and Rewards: Gamify security awareness training by offering incentives and rewards for individuals who consistently demonstrate good cybersecurity practices.
  5. Find A Trusted Security Partner: You will need a trusted security partner like SecureWon, someone who has the knowledge and experience to implement effective security awareness programs, monitor threats, and educate your staff.

Educational facilities are treasure troves of information and innovation, making them prime targets for cyber threats. Security awareness plays a pivotal role in safeguarding these institutions and creating a culture of cyber vigilance. By educating staff, students, and stakeholders about potential risks and best practices, educational institutions can build a resilient defense against cyberattacks, protect sensitive data, and continue to provide a secure environment for learning and growth in the digital age.

SecureWon at its core is a national technology services company. What separates us from other technology service providers is our commitment to providing superior documentation and accurate reporting of your organization’s security posture. This attention to detail and quality of our services is what drives us. Contact us today for a free assessment of your technology infrastructure.

educational technology

Leadership Lessons: Taking Risks and Realizing the Next Challenge

The following blog was written Dolly Ryan, and published by The National Association of Independent Schools. Dolly Ryan spent nine years as a head’s assistant and 27 years as technology director at Belmont Day School in Belmont, Massachusetts, where she began her education career in 1987. She will be retiring from Belmont Day in June 2023 and transitioning into her new role as Director of Education at SecureWon, which specializes in helping schools with cybersecurity assessments, compliance, and training.

In 1986, I accepted a head’s assistant position, a temp agency job that I never planned to stay in long. The job would help to subsidize my love of recording music and being part of a fireworks crew every Fourth of July in Boston, or so I thought. As I got into the role, I began to acquire a skill set that included problem-solving in every facet of school life, taking risks, working outside comfort zones, and listening and learning from mistakes—and I knew I found my calling at an independent school. Heads’ assistants wear many hats, are team players, coaches, and leaders, and as such, they pass on important institutional knowledge about historical perspectives, current events, and future initiatives.

In this role, I began to see how my computer skills, developed through earlier experiences as an executive secretary, would benefit the school. The challenge of how I could transfer my knowledge into helping the school understand what technology could do to streamline workflows and increase efficiencies—while opening possibilities for students—was exciting. I knew I’d want to be at the forefront of leading my school into the digital era.

As I enter my 36th year, serving under seven heads in two completely different leadership roles, I’m reflecting on the journey from head’s assistant to director of technology. If I were to write a book about my journey, I would title it Rock N’ Roll, Fireworks, and Education. When you grow from an administrative position that very few men hold in education to a technology position where very few women lead, reflection becomes the road to new growth. Though reflection time is in short supply these days, it’s important to look back at strides taken and roads paved to gain new perspectives.

In the Beginning

I had no formal training of how to go from support staff to the instructional side with a focus on technology, and at that time, the shift to elementary tech programs was just beginning. But the skills I learned as a head’s assistant set the foundation of how to start, grow, and nurture a technology program from the ground up. To start, I set expectations for myself and the administrative team. I believed that we needed to model the use of technology from the top down.

I researched, took workshops, and taught myself through trial and error how to use applications and fix hardware. I did 1:1 training and small group instruction on business applications, automated the library and administrative offices, and incorporated the school’s first student information system. Administrators were the first to work through steep learning curves, and they started to understand the challenges and prepared to support teachers. This also gave me time to survey teachers, identify early adopters, and create a professional development program.

I worked hard to develop the right culture for a professional development program and sought to keep the needs of teachers and students front and center. Guided by a schoolwide goal of developing an intermediate level of tech skills in all users, I created a model that was flexible and adaptable while also cultivating early tech adopters as resident experts in technology integration. I shared that knowledge, and it was featured at a NAIS workshop as a top 10 professional development model and has since been adopted by two other independent schools.

Implementing technology requires creativity, strength, and persistence—in that order. I’ve strategically transposed lessons learned on the administrative side while gathering teacher perspective to help me see how similar changes would impact, challenge, or promote learning on the instructional side. I’ve noticed that my success or failure has been linked to my level of patience and the ability to stay strong and calm amid a technology storm. Failure is part of the process of adopting tech skills, however, and it requires you to learn from it. Success is measured by how well you can handle failure, learn, grow, and then share your knowledge with others.

Navigating Today’s Challenges

As I reflect on the demand for technology and the pace at which it has been adopted over the years, I’ve had a front-row seat to the changes schools have navigated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite burnout, school leaders must continue to be strategic, teach the skills students need to succeed, and protect the infrastructure from hackers that test firewalls at an uncontrollable rate. Student learning loss and cybersecurity incidents continues to increase, and tech departments—often understaffed and underfunded—shoulder much of the responsibility for supporting teachers and protecting school systems. The weight of liability and compliance along with the high stakes associated with the responsibility for astronomical amounts of data is daunting.

My perspective on being able to stay on top of the pace of technology has certainly changed over the years. When I was the head’s assistant, it took me a long time to learn the word “no.” As the gatekeeper to the head’s office, I was often viewed as the person with the history and most of the answers. The same held true when I moved into the director role. It’s impossible to know all things, and learning to say “no” has proved to be invaluable when there are only so many hours in a day. But technology is a bigger challenge now, and we can only hope we are able to stay alongside the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI). I wonder what will happen to creativity when a robot can write your papers for you.

I’m concerned about keeping students safe and emotionally healthy. I question where the balance and oversight will be to keep our systems safe and how we will teach the next generation of coders. We are already hearing about exposure to sensitive data and the ability of AI to imbed that data in its algorithms. Currently, there are a lot more questions than answers for educational institutions, but remember, we’ve been here before.

Our responsibility around safeguarding learning environments continues to grow, and there are days when the demands feel impossible. Lifelong learners will reach deep to find ways to continue to reinvent themselves and their programs. I say, live your favorite lyric, take risks, and lead with humor and good intentions.

SecureWon is at its core is a national technology services company and offers a specialized area of focus in Educational Technology. What separates us from other technology service providers is our commitment to providing superior documentation and accurate reporting of your organization’s security posture. This attention to detail and quality of our services is what drives us.  Call today for a free assessment of your technology infrastructure.